Taste of Hospitality

Overview and hands on experience in the hospitality industry, identify career pathways and training. covering a range of employment opportunities, including tourism, cookery and service, with a view to further study and engagement.

At the completion of the course the students will;

  • Have an understanding of the range of sectors existing within the hospitality industry and how to identify opportunities.
  • Manage priorities and learn Time Management strategies.
  • Have a knowledge of how to access information and keep up to date with current legislation and trends.
  • Understand the broader, legal and ethical requirements relating to the hospitality industry.
  • Be confident with the application of technology in hospitality and crossover sectors.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, customers and others.
  • Identify opportunities for employment within the hospitality and tourism industries.
  • More readily identify employability skills required for the industry.
  • Identify career pathways and training. Possible learner pathways: GEST’s other Pre-Accredited Training courses or accredited course at GEST such as Certificate II in Hospitality. or other accredited courses in participants chosen field of interest with other local providers.